Breaking News Stories
Covering Specific Victim Populations
Other Considerations
Special Challenges in Reporting
Special Challenges in Reporting
High Impact Stories
Working With Service Providers
Creating Ethics Policy
Victims Right to Privacy
Self Care for Journalists
Resources and Promising Practices
Glossary and Endnotes

Link to A News Media Guide for Victim Service Providers
Link to Crime Victim Outreach Tip Sheets


Victim advocates and the news media share a common goal of educating the American public about crime and victimization and its impact on individuals and communities. Reliable and trusting relationships between victim service providers and the media can help reach this goal and ensure that crime victims and survivors are treated with dignity and respect by the news media.

Victim assistance organizations and the news media often rely on “the power of the personal story” of crime victims and survivors to relay the often devastating impact that crime has on their lives. When crime victims are provided with guidance and resources to help them speak out, they become passionate, articulate spokespersons to address victims’ needs, rights, and concerns.

There are two inital components to this series:

A News Media Guide for Victim Service Providers features two sections. Section 1 addresses how victim advocates can facilitate sensitive and respectful treatment of crime victims by the news media, effectively advocate for victims in the media, and serve as their liaisons to media professionals. Section 2 is designed to help victim assistance organizations build positive relations with the news media. This guide is coauthored by Anne Seymour and Bonnie Bucqueroux.
Click here to view A News Media Guide for Victim Service Providers.

A Guide for Journalists Who Report on Crime and Crime Victims can help journalists fulfill their unique role in helping people understand and work to improve the ways in which the United States deals with crime and victimization. This guide is also designed to provide the most current, complete, and specific information and advice on reporting on victims and witnesses, as well as their families and friends. In addition, it is intended to explain the role of victim advocates and service providers and explore ways that journalists can work with them effectively to serve the needs of victims in the context of promoting public safety.

These resources are a component of the National Victim and Public Awareness Project sponsored by Justice Solutions with support from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Justice Solutions is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing rights, resources, and respect for victims and communities affected by crime.

This document was prepared by Justice Solutions under grant number 2002-VF-GX-K013, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.








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